Feature: Nigeria has the potential of building these 10 largest facilities in the world


By Ayo Akinfe

Were I running for president I would deliver a New Year’s Day broadcast in which I would announce that Nigeria would build the 10 largest facilities in the world in these sectors between 2023 and 2027.

[1] Palm oil plantation
[2] Cattle ranch
[3] Coconut plantation
[4] Solar farm
[5] Electric car assembly line
[6] Transformer manufacturing factory
[7] Cocoa plantation
[8] Oilseed crushing plant
[9] Malaria pharmaceutical plant
[10] Solar panel assembly plant

When you are the world’s largest black nation, you simply have to think biggest, tallest, longest and fastest. Today, everything they do in China and Dubai is built with that in mind.

Nigeria’s fundamental problem is that we are not productive enough. Solve that and you will resolve 90% of our socio-economic and political woes.

Our watch phrase has got to be post-coronavirus growth. After World War Two, the Soviet Union was achieving something like 28% annual economic growth, which is what we should aim for post-Covid-19.

By 2050, we will be the third most populous nation on earth. That brings with it the responsibility of earth-shattering edifices.


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